EAB in LaMoure County
Yes, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been found in LaMoure County, specifically at the rest area along HWY 281 north of Edgeley. This is not great news because EAB is an insect that kills ash trees usually within 3 years. It is estimated that over half of all trees in ND are ash trees. ND is the 37th state to detect EAB among it's ash trees.
We have listed resources below if you suspect Emerald Ash Borer in your Ash Trees. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our local office.
Emerald Ash Borer Contact Info.
If you suspect that your ash trees are infested with EAB, official confirmation is critical. Individuals from the following organizations or agencies are able to help you determine if EAB is infesting trees:
North Dakota Forest Service
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
701-328-4765 or 701-220-0485
NDSU Extension
NDSU Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
701-231-7854 or 701-231-7064
Local City Forester
City of LaMoure
Ronnie Paul
Local Extension Agent
LaMoure County Courthouse
Julianne Racine
For Additional Information on EAB,
visit the following website links:
• www.pesttracker.org/pest/inahqja